Aire De L'etang Du Tour
Koordinate GPS : Zemljepisna dolžina : -0.08847 Zemljepisna širina : 48.40217
Naslov :
l'etang du tour nord
53370 St Pierre Des Nids
Vrsta postajališča : BREZPLAČNO postajališče v mestu
Glej v bližini
V bližini tega območja še niso poročali o krajih za obisk.
Archie [ip xxx.x82.182.252] je napisal/a 14.07.2012 à 18:06:59 :
This is a very small area and not suited to large camping-cars. Roadworks were being carried out in the town and the aire was being used to store materiel and plant which made manoeuvring difficult. It was very quiet, free and had all the facilities listed above.
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